Digital marketing trends in 2021

Top Digital Marketing trends 2021

1.voice search

Here are a few facts just to illustrate the importance and the possible but it’s going to be in 2021 at this current point in time close to 50 percent of all searches are being voice-powered with 3.25 billion people currently using voice-activated search the industry is estimated to hit 35.5 billion dollars in 2025 and with that much money in the table there’s bound to be a massive battle between advertising. from to see who’s going to conquer the voice-powered market and as marketers and advertisers, it’s down to us to figure out how we can get in front of these people using voice-activated search in the most profitable way possible.

2.Influencer marketing

I know what you’re thinking influencer marketing has been around for a while now in 2021 we’re gonna see the rise of micro-influencers, micro-influencers are gonna be an essential part of any advertising strategy for any brand out there but why exactly are micro-influencers so powerful number one is that they are specialized in each so not only do they have more authority but also the brand investing in them has the reassurance of the reaches the right audience with them they also tend to have higher engagement because you can actually build a little more important with the audience and the third reason why micro-influencers are on the rise is that obviously the more cost-effective for businesses. All these articles it’s not like 2018 or 2019 where you would just invest in influencer and it almost felt like a gamble instead of brands or would you a morning to performance and they’re very closely looking at the return on the investment by using affiliate links by using impressions.

3. Visually Enhanced Marketing

through the use of virtual reality and augmented reality you might have seen some of the items already where you can actually try on a pair of shoes before you buy them for a pair of glasses to just see how it looks on your face the fact especially in the current landscape where people down we want to risk going to restore all wanted reality will offer people the possibility of trying things on at home so this one is gonna be massive in 2021. The augmented reality for advertising spend 94 percent from 2014 to 2017 compare that to 53 percent increase in church and state the second thing is when it comes to platforms seems like Snapchat is one of the pioneers giving people the ability to find parks in real-life policies Facebook also followed closely testing your ads in their news feeds to what are some of the benefits of your own VR ads the first and biggest one by far is that invokes an emotional response because people can actually interact with the continental just until there’s actually less immunity to these ads I mean that people actually way more septic because it makes it fun for them and the second thing is that Mitchell trials where people can actually fly on the part of without even the home have actually proven to increase sales.

4.Video Content Marketing

Where a picture paints 1000 words a video can produce millions and got some stats to keep in mind number one is that 80 plus percent of consumers online topics in both video watching and the second half of today’s consumers require. Watching video content from brands.

Here are 5 video formats that are gonna be valuable 2021 number 1 is 1.360-degree video experiences these have an average of 85 percent completion rate compared to 50 percent for regular video number 2 live videos or simply no better way of building rapport with an audience number 3 is search optimized videos, search optimized videos having much higher lifetime value to brands and not only that but they can actually gather a ton of organic traffic while using them.


Having a great product is not enough nowadays the customer we want the brand to care about them and not just feel like the one in hundreds of thousands of customers still greeting the customer journey where the customer feel spoken to is vital and it’s actually one of the first things that we ever do for our clients you can actually do this in 3 different ways number one is email marketing so you can create segments based on behavioral data for example if they bought from you 3 times or 4 times today should get different messaging than someone who’s purchasing for their first time you can also create a VIP segments for example you can even personalize website pop ups so that the post was missing the site for the first time it’s a different public and someone’s visited time for the 10 time the second was implementing the exact same strategy but applying it for messenger top what’s the third way of achieving personalization are those brands that are visually creating Product and formulas customized to each customer for example brands like her all for the give you a supplement split depending on your goals whether it’s to drop we do have more energy or to detox your body and not only that but each part of the new order has to be made on the package.

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